[Proposals and paths that go beyond the model of journalistic objectivity]
[Internet: Proposing an Epistemological-Political Perspective]
[Body and Performance: Clues on the Contemporary Production of Presence]
[Advertising Incitements, Consumption and the Constitution of Truth Regimes on Digital Connection]
[Journalistic Practice and Complexity: A Necessary Articulation]
[The Rise of the Cartesian Conception to Journalism]
The Common of the Paradox: Notes About the Production of Ties in Mediated Communications
[Theoretical and methodological implications of the historical conception proposed by Michel Foucault]
[The Tactile of the Vision: Body and the Touch of Ubiquitous Images in the Contemporary]
[Body-Method: Strategies for the Production of an Embodied Knowledge]
[The Beyond Life of Images: Notes for an Energetics of Existence]