
I am aware

I know this cynicism, so typical of the cowards

I already know what you hide, what you pretend, what you fear

I know why you run

I know what I make you feel and how much this scares you

you always try to disguise it, but I know fugitives by the smell

I abhor them with my fiercest disgust

but since it’s you

, my dear,

I feel only pity

I pity your weakness

I feel compassion for your lack of intensity

you think you are so pondered, so correct, so levelheaded

but these are qualities that only mask your laxity before life

more and more I see you building a coward’s nest, and I can only lament

lament because I recognize when we become cowards by convenience

after all, it’s easier, right?

it’s more convenient to silence, to pretend everything is alright

to smile senseless smiles, to appear unconcerned

maybe they call you wise

but even with this I disagree

wise people know exactly when to break the silence

and to propose the question at the right moment

wise people don’t run away

and you are worse than vaseline

feeding a fear that makes no sense

be aware

dear friend

I would rather not play your game

or condone your cynicism

I refuse to act like a fool

: I am here


taking risks

Reaping scents and bad smells

but with open arms

and a pure heart